
就在繁複的作業報告開始擠在一起讓我的十一月註定伸手不見五指時,一則登在本校學生日報The Daily Pennsylvanian的頭版消息成了今天早上大家議論紛紛的話題,那就是:校園內,又有人被開槍了!儘管費城治安差已不是新聞,前兩個裡拜也才看到隔壁的Drexel有三個學生被搶,可是,這次畢竟是槍擊案呢!而且,這次的地點38 Chestnut Street,只離我的宿舍兩條街之遠(離上課的地方更近),難怪大家聽到這則新聞後莫不睜大眼睛,滿臉的不可置信!雖然被射中的學生好像沒死,可是聽說這次擦槍走火的起因並非幫派尋仇,而是漫無目的;這樣的消息更驚悚了,因為,這表示:人人都有中獎(彈)的可能!



不過,不用替我擔心,畢竟我這麼乖...倒是愛夜遊的party animails,這下子大概要剉咧蛋了。


最後一則新聞則是本校商學院學生被控謀殺Temple University學生的消息,被殺的好像是被告前男友的女友。這種新聞在台灣應該會上全國報紙的頭條吧!

嘖嘖,不只校外人士會進入本校大開殺戒,本校的也不甘示弱,跑去別校砍情敵;看來都市叢林不只是罪惡的淵藪,就連看似寧靜的大學校區也難逃魔掌。太好了,既然費城這麼刺激,期待CSI: Philadelphia早日出現在電視上!(而且可以來Penn多拍幾集,增加本校知名度,提高本校排名(?))

Issue date:
10/30/07 Section: News

Shooting a sign of north-end  violence

Julie Cohn

On the north side of campus, things continue to go south.

Sunday morning's gunfight at the corner of 38th and Chestnut streets only served to emphasize a growing trend, recognized as a mounting concern by both Penn and Philadelphia police.

The shooting was at least the fourth incident involving gunfire near campus since last year, and all four incidents have occurred on the north side of campus, most notably a botched armed robbery in January 2006 at the corner of 38th and Sansom streets in which a Penn student was shot in the leg.

The north side has also seen a number of robberies since the beginning of the semester, mostly around Market Street.

Penn Police officials could not provide specific statistics about the number of crimes in that area as of press time, but Philadelphia Police Lt. John Walker said that crime is "definitely moving northward" over the past three weeks.

Walker also said that over the past semester, police have seen crime becoming more infrequent in the south - mainly in the area between 43rd and 46th streets and along Pine and Spruce streets and Baltimore Avenue - and more prevalent on the northern outskirts of Penn's campus.

Walker said he was unsure of the reason for this pattern but guessed that it may stem from the increasing number of students who live in northern areas, where student housing had not been as common in past years.

"There's more opportunities for criminals," Walker said. "Students are out there later at night in places they haven't been in the past."

Vice President for Public Safety Maureen Rush agreed that crime on the periphery is a problem, saying that "our deployment is very heavy in the center of campus" where there is more foot traffic.

Rush said DPS is going to work with owners of local clubs and other establishments where crime has often been a problem, though she did not say if there are plans to increase patrols in the area.

Apartment buildings like Hamilton Court and Chestnut Arms, both located at 39th and Chestnut streets, house hundreds of students, and many say they have always felt somewhat unsafe living in the area.

"I definitely look over my shoulder much more often, and I don't tell my parents about it because I don't feel like having them make me move out," said College senior Mikhail Gasiorowski, who lives near the corner of 39th and Ludlow streets, of the robberies in the area.

"I still don't feel safe," added College senior Jon Tamblyn, who also lives near 39th and Ludlow streets. "But it's no worse now than it was earlier this year. … There are always lots of sirens going on all over the place, the streets are always dark and sort of deserted after eleven. … It's really, really sketchy, and you kind of have to watch out."

- Staff writer Katie Karas contributed reporting to this article.

Shooting at 38th and Chestnut: Evidence points to no police misconduct in local gunfight

Katie Karas

Philadelphia Police officials are not investigating possible police misconduct in the death of Lamar Bembry because they have evidence showing that Bembry, who was shot and killed by police during a gun battle early Sunday morning at 38th and Chestnut streets, was among one of the shooters on the scene, said Lt. Frank Vanore of Philadelphia Police Public Affairs.

Bembry allegedly opened fire while leaving the Koko Bongo nightclub at 38th and Chestnut at about 2:00 a.m. and was shot in the chest by police in the ensuing gunfight.

Vanore said ballistic evidence revealed that police officers acted correctly in firing at Bembry. It also showed that there were at least two other shooters who participated in the gunfight, although no weapons from these shooters have been recovered.

Philadelphia Police were already on the scene when the shooting began because there had been a few minor instances last week when Koko Bongo let out, Vanore said.

Police temporarily detained a few suspects but have not yet charged anyone. They urge anyone with information regarding the shootings to contact Philadelphia Police at               215-686-1776    

Issue date: 10/30/07 Section: News

Student Murder Trial: Mistrial a possibility as jury deliberates

Deliberations go on for third day without a decision either way

Jessica Sidman

WILMINGTON, DEL. - After three days of deliberations, jurors once again failed to deliver a verdict for accused murderer Irina Malinovskaya, leaving open the possibility of a third mistrial.

Malinovskaya, a Wharton student from Russia, is being tried for bludgeoning to death her ex-lover's girlfriend in December 2004.

In the first trial, the judge declared a mistrial after the jury was stuck 11 to 1 in favor of acquittal following two days of deliberations.

In the second trial, jurors claimed they were unable to reach a verdict after three days of deliberations, but the judge told them to keep trying. Two days later, they were still split 6-6 and the judge declared a second mistrial.

Mary Burnell, Malinovskaya's defense attorney during the first two trials, said the longer jurors deliberate, the more likely there will be a third hung jury.

"The chance of a mistrial this time around is pretty good because that's what happened the last time," Burnell said. "The fact of the matter is that the evidence does not change."

Burnell's replacement on the defense team, Joe Hurley, was more optimistic.

He predicted that the jury will deliver a decision Wednesday, but when it comes to the length of jury deliberations in general, he said, "There's no typical time. There's no typical case. Each jury has its own dynamic."

Meanwhile, as the jury continues to sift through the case's dozens of hours of testimony, the courtroom has been abuzz with curiosity.

While Malinovskaya's parents waited outside the courtroom all day yesterday, several lawyers unaffiliated with the case stopped by the courthouse press room to check on developments with "the Russian girl."

Jay Whittle, an immigration attorney from Washington, D.C., was one such curious lawyer in the courthouse who said there was "absolutely" interest and talk about the trial among his colleagues.

"It's just one of those cases that's got circumstances that you don't see everyday," he said.

Burnell said she has also continued to follow the trial and support her former client's family.

"There's an awful lot of suspense," said Burnell, who was not at the courthouse but has been present for the third trial on a few occasions.

As for the possibility of a fourth trial if jurors can't agree?

"I sincerely hope they wouldn't do it a fourth time," Burnell said. "But then again, I was surprised they opted to do it a third time."

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